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History of Asian Stroke Advisory Panel
In 1996, several neurologists from different Asian countries were invited to a conference in Singapore. The new concept of ischemic penumbra and neuroprotection were the subjects of a lecture by a guest speaker from Europe. Common problems in stroke care were shared, foremost of which was the lack of awareness about stroke, its prevention, and treatment.
To know how acute stroke are
being managed in each country.
To increase the level of public awareness and research initiatives of stroke from diagnosis to treatment,
rehabilitation and prevention
Finally, at the end of the meeting, the participants agreed that there was a need to increase the level of public awareness and research initiatives about stroke in this part of the world. Thus, the Asian Acute Stroke Advisory Panel (AASAP) was organized.
The group would meet twice a year and each representative would present the current activities of their own national stroke society and the individual role of each member in prompting better stroke awareness in their country. Research proposals for collaboration were discussed and the results were subsequently presented in stroke congresses and/or published in peer-reviewed journals on behalf of the AASAP.
The group name was shortened to Asian Stroke Advisory Panel (ASAP) to broaden its area of concern from diagnosis to treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention.
Projects or Activities:
1. Increase public awareness about stroke
2. Define stroke as brain attack
3. Recognize the signs of acute stroke
4. Define the concept of ischemic penumbra and neuroprotection
5. Report activities of national stroke association
6. Conduct researches on Asian stroke
7. Report available epidemiological data on stroke and each member centers
8. Share guidelines on stroke prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of each member country if available.
The first chair elected was Dr. N.V. Ramani from Singapore. It was agreed upon that each chair should sit only for 2 years.
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